Learning Plan

A Learning Plan is a self-directed learning path for the MLT to maintain currency and enhance their provision of professional services. Learning plans are derived from the Self-Assessment of Practice. At registration renewal, the MLT is addressing two Learning Plans: one for the upcoming year and one for the year ending.

For the Upcoming Year

The Learning Plan for the upcoming year is based on the MLT’s current or anticipated area of practice and must contain three to six learning objectives. For each learning objective, additional information is required to be recorded including the following four elements:

  1. Learning objectives – MLTs select three to six enabling competencies, which they have identified as Developmental/Advancing/ Expanding (DEV) in their Self-Assessment of Practice, to be used as learning objectives. The MLT may select the same enabling competency for consecutive years if the learning obtained has a different focus and demonstrates a different element of learning from the previous year.
  2. Projected learning activities – It is recognized that learning is achieved through many avenues dependent upon the preferred learning style of the MLT. These learning activities, the tools an MLT plans to use to develop their learning objectives, may include people, literature, courses, policies, procedures, etc. Although a learning activity may be applicable to more than one objective, if the focus is broad, MLTs must identify a discrete learning activity for each learning objective submitted. For example, a one-day professional event, may not be identified as the learning activity for more than one learning objective, unless the event can be divided into more than one learning activity; each of which may be applied to its own learning objective. When developing a learning objective, potential learning opportunities are often unknown. As such, MLTs are only required to select projected learning activities from the dropdown menu as these activities may vary from those ultimately utilized to complete a learning objective. For a list of learning activities and documentation requirements, please refer to the Documentation Guidelines for Learning Activities.
  3. Projected professional development – is the predicted outcome or benefit to an individual’s professional practice through completion of the learning objective.
  4. Target date – is a realistic time frame for achievement of the learning objective and will vary depending upon the complexity and urgency of the learning. Although all learning activities are recommended to be undertaken during the year for which registration and an MLT practice permit are issued, learning activities from September 1 prior to the registration year through December 31 of the registration year will be accepted. However, at least one learning objective must be completed in the year for which the MLT practice permit has been issued. For example: on a 2021 Learning Plan, the CMLTA recognizes learning activities from September 1, 2020 through December 31, 2021 provided at least one learning objective was completed in 2021.

Over the course of the registration year, it is the MLT’s responsibility to document learning activities undertaken to satisfactorily complete a learning objective and evaluate their progress in attaining specific competency goals.

Click here for instructions on how to create a learning plan.

For the Year Ending

At registration renewal, the MLT is required to submit a completed Learning Plan which fully documents a minimum of three of the learning objectives stated in the Learning Plan created during last year’s registration renewal.

For each learning objective the MLT must indicate if it has been met. If it has been met, the MLT must provide supporting evidence for that objective. The supporting evidence will vary depending on the type of activity completed. Any learning activity listed in the Documentation Guidelines for Learning Activities may be utilized to complete a learning objective.

It is recognized that situations may shift and change which results in changes to the professional practice of an MLT. In these situations, it is expected that the MLT will strive to adapt their learning to meet their new environment; however, if the MLT finds that they cannot complete a learning objective due to a change in employer, area of practice, or an extenuating circumstance, they must submit a written request to the CMLTA to make changes to a current Learning Plan no later than September 1 of a given registration year. An uncompleted learning objective may be applied to a subsequent year’s Learning Plan provided it is still relevant and supported by the Self-Assessment of Practice.

Click here for instructions on how to complete a learning plan.

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The College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Alberta (CMLTA) is the regulatory body for Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs) employed in Alberta.

Treaty 6

We wish to acknowledge that the land on which the CMLTA office is located is Treaty 6 territory and a traditional meeting ground for many Indigenous people. This is home to the Cree, Blackfoot, and Metis, as it is for the Nakoda, Tsuu T’ina, Chipewyan, and other Indigenous people. Their spiritual and practical relationships to the land create a rich heritage for our life as a community.

Contact Information

301-9426 51 Avenue NW,
Edmonton, Alberta
T6E 5A6

Phone: 780-435-5452
Toll Free: 1-800-265-9351
Fax: 780-437-1442

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