Why is the CCP structured so that it does not allow MLTs to apply learning opportunities unknown at the time of renewal?
In order to comply with legislation, MLTs must be proactive in their approach to learning and develop a Learning Plan prior to the upcoming registration year. The Medical Laboratory Technologists Profession Regulation states:

Continuing Competence Program
12.2 As part of the Continuing Competence Program, a Regulated Member must complete the following, on an annual basis, in a form satisfactory to the Registrar:

(a) a Self-Assessment based on the Competency Profile developed by the college indicating the areas where continuing competence activities are to be undertaken by a Regulated Member in the next registration year;

(b) a written Learning Plan that sets out the continuing competence goals of the Regulated Member for the next registration year and the continuing competence activities to be undertaken by the regulated member during that year to achieve the continuing competence goals; and

(c) a completed Learning Plan from the previous registration year documenting the competence activities that were completed.

In Alberta, CCP requirements differ between regulated healthcare professions with the requirements for each set out in legislation specific for the profession. There is a movement towards the CMLTA’s current format of Self-Assessment of Practice, whereby individuals identify competencies which may require growth or strengthening, and thereby apply a proactive approach to the development of Learning Plans.

I attend many continuing education activities which are not applicable to my Learning Plan. Does the CMLTA recognize these additional activities?
The CMLTA encourages MLTs to attend all learning events which enhance their professional development and portfolio, even if an activity does not apply directly to their Learning Plans. The CMLTA appreciates that a Learning Plan is neither inclusive nor representative of all continuing education activities an MLT participates in throughout the year. The CMLTA emphasizes the CCP captures only the minimum mandatory education required to ensure compliance with the Health Professions Act.

Why doesn’t the CMLTA simply require specific course completion rather than a Self-Assessment and a completed Learning Plan each year?
A College must ensure that it discharges its duties in compliance with the legislation. The Medical Laboratory Technologists Profession Regulation mandates that an MLT complete a Learning Plan and supporting activities for each year in which they are registered.

Further, Literature suggests that “Adults are competency-based learners, meaning that they want to learn a skill or acquire knowledge that they can apply pragmatically to their individual circumstances. Life or work-related situations present a more appropriate framework for adult learning than academic or theoretical approaches (Edmunds, Lowe, Murray and Seymour, 1999).[1]” The CMLTA considers the current CCP, using the Self-Assessment of Practice to determine individual learning needs, to be a more practical and effectual tool for improving one’s competence than simply completing an arbitrary course.

[1] Edmunds, C., K. Lowe, M. Murray, and A. Seymour. 1999. The Ultimate Educator. Washington, DC: U.S.

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The College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Alberta (CMLTA) is the regulatory body for Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs) employed in Alberta.

Treaty 6

We wish to acknowledge that the land on which the CMLTA office is located is Treaty 6 territory and a traditional meeting ground for many Indigenous people. This is home to the Cree, Blackfoot, and Metis, as it is for the Nakoda, Tsuu T’ina, Chipewyan, and other Indigenous people. Their spiritual and practical relationships to the land create a rich heritage for our life as a community.

Contact Information

301-9426 51 Avenue NW,
Edmonton, Alberta
T6E 5A6

Phone: 780-435-5452
Toll Free: 1-800-265-9351
Fax: 780-437-1442

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